LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – The Clark County School District’s Board of Trustees tackled many issues at Thursday nights meeting.

CCSD board members juggled concerns of a budget shortfall and the search for a new superintendent.

Dozens of community members spoke out during public comment.

Budget issues were not on the agenda.

While public commenters attempted to bring the topic up, the board requested they stick to the agenda items.

Among those items is the timeline on the search for the next superintendent.

“There’s so much tension right now in the district, and the best possible solution is to let the dust settle for a bit,” said one woman who took the microphone to address the Board.

She added that too much has happened in that last several weeks to move ahead with the selection of a new superintendent.

Former chief financial officer, Jason Goudie tells FOX5 he was fired amid budget issues.

FOX5 reported at least one elementary school teacher getting let go over the district’s financial concerns.

Plus, the resignation of Katie Williams after pressure from the District Attorney’s office.

Some say all of this is playing out in a very public and negative way, and might scare off quality candidates.

“We’ve been making the headlines in the news for all the wrong things. I see it here. My relatives across the country see it, and you best believe candidates are looking for it and see it as well.”

Everyone who took the mic asked Board members to push back the timeline.

The Board decided they will select a superintendent in March 2025.

The next superintendent was supposed to be in place by November, but many are worried about another vacancy.

“This body is also missing a trustee and cannot avoid a three-three vote stalemate in what could be crucial votes for our school children.” expressed one other public commenter.

One CCSD teacher blamed the board’s president for keeping Katie Williams on the board.

“President Garcia Morales, you knew she didn’t live here yet you allowed her to participate via phone for months. Your intentional cover-up is not only deceitful, it is shameful to the public you represent.” shared a public commenter.

Once the action items on the agenda were completed, several people took the microphone to complain about the district’s budget issues and call for better transparency.

Community members said CCSD’s actions have only led to more stress for the teachers.

According to the district, a plan is in place to fill trustee Katie Williams’s vacant seat.

Applications are due October 18th, and interviews with the candidates are October 30th.


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