LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Las Vegas Red Cross members head to Georgia to assist Hurricane Helene victims.

Shelter Manager Emma Empey shared she is set to leave for Atlanta on Saturday as the area has been battered by Helene’s torrential rain and heavy flooding.

After years of working with the organization, Empey shared helping families in their most vulnerable state never gets easy.

“They’re really distraught, and a lot of them are in tears and upset, and they have lost everything,” Empey explained.

Empey understands their journey from losing it all to getting back on their feet takes time.

The Shelter Manager for the State of Utah and Nevada acted quickly to put her members in place.

“They have no place to go. The shelter is providing them a temporary place to stay, and they can be warm and have a bed and some food,” Epmey shared.

Empey has been with the Red Cross for seven years and has been on about 40 deployments across the country.

Three other Nevada Red Cross volunteers were just sent to Florida to assist those impacted.

The humanitarian organization shelters, feeds and provides comfort and assistance to those affected by disasters.

It’s something Empey says isn’t lost on those receiving help.

“Oh, it’s huge,” Empey expressed. “It’s really important because we give them emotional support, we give them emergency supplies, and we have our doors open for them,”

Everything the organization does is free of charge, but Empey knows the work they do is priceless.

“They seem to do much better the next day, and each day gets progressively better for them. I like to be there to help people. That is my big reason while I’m with Red Cross, is to provide a service for those in need,” Empey shared.

If you are interested in helping, the Red Cross is seeking volunteers, and you can donate to help those in need.

In Georgia, where Empey is headed, 15 people have been killed, and a public health emergency has been declared.


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