LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – With Formula One racing back to Las Vegas, RTC buses are detouring around closures on the Strip, and that means some bus stops are temporarily shutting down.

At the stop on westbound Spring Mountain, west of Las Vegas Boulevard, most riders we spoke to Monday weren’t even aware that a closure was coming in a few hours, even though signs were posted directing them to a temporary stop a block away.

“No, I had absolutely no clue until you told me, actually. I had absolutely no clue,” said bus rider Jared Johnson.

An RTC spokesperson sent a statement on the bus closures:

“The RTC’s preparation for this year’s F1 race is much different due to the lack of impacts that were caused by the track paving last year. While some bus routes still require detours, particularly during race week, it is for a shorter duration. We recognize that a detour for any amount of time will be inconvenient to our customers. We are detouring as closely as possible to the original route, but the temporary stops may still require a lengthy walk to a rider’s destinations – anywhere from one mile or more. To help customers plan for these disruptions, we are implementing special schedules for the detoured routes during race week to enhance predictability.”

Johnson — who boards the bus at the Spring Mountain stop on his way home from work at the Venetian — says the extra walk will just add to the F1 inconvenience for his commute, followed by a slow bus ride through the traffic and roadblocks.

“That half hour, 45-minute ride can turn into an hour and a half ride. And with all the detours, there’s no telling,” he said.

Speaking for other Strip workers who use the same bus stop, Johnson said, “I can guarantee you none of them have any clue about this, about a reroute of Spring Mountain. They’re going to come tonight and find out it’s not there.”

“You have to know to have certain apps that are going to give you the detours and different routes to take,” he added.

Formula One launched its own website this year to help people navigate around the construction. When asked he’s heard of anyone using it, Johnson replied, “The F1 website? No.”

An F1 spokesperson also sent a statement about the bus stop closures: “Circuit preparations (pre, race week and post event) have been reduced 65% from last year. RTC has been an integral partner in planning for and ensuing alternative routes are available and communicated widely.”

For a full list of RTC bus stop closures, click here.


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