LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – It may sound too good to be true. People in the Las Vegas Valley got free eggs last week, some even took home cartons of eggs.

“The people that showed up were literally in awe that there were so many cartons of eggs everywhere that, although they see on social media that, hey there’s an egg shortage, they come to church and they’re like, well not here,” said Izabella Rodriguez, Pastoral Assistant of Grace City Church.

Izabella Rodriguez says the church handed out the eggs after a service last week. She says the church gets food from Three Square Food Bank for other giveaways and says last week it provided 1,200 eggs.

“And they actually reached out and said hey guys, we have so many eggs that we need to get into the hands of needy people. Who can get them out? And so, we were like, us, we will do it. We at Grace City will do it,” said Rodriguez.

She added, “We are placed in a predominantly Hispanic area and so it’s amazing to be able to give back to the Hispanic community.”

Rodriguez says some boys who were part of a youth service, going on at the same time, gave up some of their eggs for other people.

“They saw that someone came in late and didn’t get any eggs and they gave their eggs. And they were like, we’re from this place, we know the abundance we have here, so we’re just going to give it to them. And it was a really beautiful thing to see,” said Rodriguez.

Metro Police officers from the Downtown Area Command also helped pass out the eggs. Rodriguez says the church may do more egg giveaways and people should monitor its social media pages for announcements.


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