RENO, Nev. (KOLO) – The Nevada Division of Water Resources is measuring the depth to groundwater in irrigation and stock water wells throughout various regions in the state. Water resource agencies lead the Nevada Water Initiative through March.

“The main purpose for us to measure groundwater levels is to help us effectively manage the groundwater resources across the state of Nevada,” said Kip Allander, Hydrogeologist with the Nevada Division of Water Resources.

Water security remains a top priority, while multiple agencies lead the Nevada Water Initiative to provide cutting-edge tools and data to ensure a sustainable water future.

Specialists release measuring tape and a metal probe deep into a water well until the probe reaches water in the aquifer. “You pull it back out to make sure the connection is good, but you can hear the beep again. So that’s right at 33.95 feet below the land surface. That’s our depth of water here,” said Lauren Bartels, a Water Resource Specialist.

Specialists say the groundwater levels are stable at the Centennial Regional Park area, despite Nevada being the driest state in the U.S.

“For somebody that’s depending on the groundwater systems and groundwater supply, it means that things are looking okay for right now,” added Allander. “That’s a good thing, but of course, we are looking at the long-term trends as well.”

Each measurement is a part of a data collection that aids public safety and information.

“It’s really like a health checkup on the aquifer system. When we are measuring the water levels from year to year and looking at the trends, we are looking at the long-term health. When we do that, we make an assessment and if there are any issues with water levels, declines, and long-term trends then we have to take more of an active management stance. We will work with local communities and local water users to come up with a plan,” said Allander.

The plan would detail if users need to limit water usage or find better ways to manage it.

This data collection is part of an annual effort to assess and monitor groundwater levels across Nevada. While some of the wells being measured are newer, others have been measured each year for over 30 years, providing extensive data on long-term changes in groundwater levels.

The measurements collected through these annual “well runs” provide critical public information to help analyze trends and support groundwater management.


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