LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Gerardo Jose Lopez, is no longer facing a DUI charge, according to court records.

His lawyer, Michael Becker confirmed to FOX5 that Lopez’s blood tests came back negative for alcohol and drugs.

The 38-year-old now faces a reckless driving charge.

According to the arrest report, Las Vegas police were in the area by University Center and Twain observed a driver run a red light. A pedestrian identified as 32-year-old Jessica Fodge was walking by sidewalk was hit. The mom of four died later at the hospital.

Jessica Fodge victim in suspected DUI crash on Twain and University Center.(FOX5 Media)

Police reports say Lopez failed a sobriety test and he had bloodshot and watery eyes.

Defense attorney Becker said his client will be released Wednesday with a condition that he cannot drive a motor vehicle.


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