LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Clark County employees demonstrated Tuesday morning outside the county’s government building, demanding the county do more to address what they call a severe staffing shortage.

This follows a Clark County Commission meeting last month when members from SEIU Local 1107 voiced their frustrations with the shortage and gave a petition to the county, asking they fill the gaps in employment.

“We really want to do better,” SEIU Local 1107 VP Sara Evans told FOX5 at Tuesday’s rally, referencing how overworked she says the workers she represents are. “We get into public service because we care, and it’s heartbreaking to show up every day to try to build up my team’s morale.”

“We have a lot of employees who are working multiple desks,” SEIU Local 1107 Chief Steward Alexis Esparza, who works in the District Attorney’s office, echoed. “They’re constantly having to cover for departments where there are vacancies. And a lot of them are leaving the district attorney’s office.”

The workers will also be at Tuesday’s Zoning Commission meeting, where an $86 million lawsuit settlement is up for discussion.

Employees say the money to pay that lawsuit should come from the county’s reserve fund and not its general fund, arguing the general funds should be spent on higher wages to attract more county employees and ease the burden on those they say are overworked.

The county has not signaled where that $86 million would come from.

Regarding the staff shortage, the county told FOX5 that it works to address the shortage by holding job fairs, including one last month.


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