LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – After being killed by a suspected drunk driver while dropping her children off at school, 32-year-old Jessica Fodge’s partner tells FOX5 he has to walk past her vigil every day.
Devon Mayers calls the walk a “cruel punishment.” He’s now a single father to their four children, all under the age of 10.
He walks the children to and from Ruby Thomas Elementary School every day, passing the site where his partner of 12 years was killed.
“It’s been like a cruel punishment,” Mayers says. “I hate having to walk the kids to school everyday, and having to walk past the same site where she got killed.”
FOX5 joined Mayers on his walk to pick up their four children on Monday.
He says the vigil, on the coroner of Twain Avenue and University Center Drive, is the closest thing the family has right now to a burial site.
“I basically made a little memorial here, because she died here,” Mayers says. “This is the only place that me and my kids can come and get as close as possible to Jessica.”
Mayers tell me Fodge was the type of mother any child would have wanted.
“She was supportive, she was caring, she was very loving. She would do anything and everything for the kids. She didn’t want to do anything without the kids,” he says.
He says he’s trying to be the best father he can be, all while planning a Fodge’s funeral.
“I am a young man myself, I’m still Learning, so I just take it day by day and step by step. But, I don’t ever want to give up on my kids. I’d die trying, just like she did,” he says.
On Monday, a Ruby Thomas Elementary staff member sent the kids home with bags of supplies, including groceries, clothes, bus passes and a Walmart gift card.
A family member also created a GoFundMe to support Fodge’s family.
If you’re interested in helping in a different way, you can contact Mayers directly via email, [email protected].
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