LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – The Tropicana Road Improvement Project is a major undertaking that involves replacing an old bridge at the Tropicana interchange on the I-15. Construction started over three years ago, and nearby businesses have been feeling the impact.

While the Dropicana project is making progress, it’s not quick enough for some area businesses, like Tripp Ink Tattoo Company, which have been impacted by years of construction closures.

“It’s completely cut off anybody walking in front of the shop for like a couple years,” said Rick Tripp, owner and artist at Tripp Ink Tattoo Company.

Tripp said they had to close their smoke shop after the construction started, due to a shortage of walk-in customers.

And now, they’re hosting more special events at the tattoo shop to attract more customers there – to navigate these physical and financial roadblocks.

“So we’ve adapted,” said Tripp. “But it’d be nice if it was open, and people could just stop by on their way to and from a place.”

Over at Kutz Barbershop – Zeek the Barber says the construction hasn’t been too costly for his business.

“Occasionally we do have people that it makes it a little more difficult now that the turnoff from Trop is closed, and they have to go around the back end,” said Zeek. “Usually, the taxicab and Uber drivers know how to navigate through it. For the most part, it hasn’t affected business too much. It’s just those times when they do close it down that makes it a little more difficult.”

One of those big multi-day closures has now begun.

Starting Sunday at 9 p.m. until Friday morning, Tropicana shut down in both directions between Polaris Avenue and the New York New York hotel.

It’s another obstacle for drivers and business owners in the area, who are looking forward to the end of this phase of the ‘Dropicana’ project, expected in the fall.

“I think it’ll be great once it opens up. It will allow a lot more traffic flow. With Allegiant Stadium being my next-door neighbor, we should be in good standing once they’re finished up with this little area,” said Zeek.


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