LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – The Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) paid a visit to Las Vegas to check out an innovative center’s approach to preventing overdose deaths.

Trac-B Exchange is southern Nevada’s first storefront needle exchange. It provides sterile supplies to registered IV drug users to prevent the spread of diseases like AIDS and hepatitis. Visitors can also receive Narcan and safe sex products.

CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen says that the center receives guidance and support.

“Maybe they connect to some recovery services because we know recovery is possible. We see it every day,” she said. “In fact, the evidence shows folks who access places like Trac-B are more likely to go to recovery and their lives be saved.”

Dr. Cohen told FOX5 that she likes the way the facility uses vending machines to dispense supplies. She says it makes help even more readily available to those who need it most.


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