LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Governor Joe Lombardo is officially stepping in to clear up the confusion surrounding Clark County School District’s budget.

In a letter sent Thursday night, Gov. Lombardo urged Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro to investigate the school’s finances and recent cuts to staff.

Assembly Bill 517, which was passed during the previous Legislative session, requires the Audit Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau to conduct an audit of state school districts, including CCSD. The requested amendment would see the bureau extend the audit into CCSD’s current budget issues.

“We are concerned with reports that CCSD’s current budget issues will potentially result in the release or elimination of teachers and other staff positions. Given last session’s unprecedented increase in funding for education, such a scenario would be unacceptable,” Gov. Lombardo expressed in the letter. “As we continue to consider actions to address CCSD’s immediate budget issues, I’m officially requesting the Legislative Commission consider amending the scope of the ongoing audit to include an investigation of the recently identified potential budget shortfalls so that we can identify ways to address these issues in the long-term.”

Lombardo’s letter comes after a similar letter was sent by the Clark County Education Association on Friday, renewing calls for his involvement.

Following last night’s fiery CCSD board meeting, the union has accused the school of failing to provide a proper explanation of the budget issues to the union, district staff, or families.

“Yesterday, the Governor had Nevada’s Superintendent of Public Instruction send a letter to CCSD demanding answers to eight significant questions that should get to the bottom of CCSD’s alleged fiscal deficit,” the union noted in a press release. “CCSD has been given until October 3 to comply.”

The release adds, “CCEA strongly advises that if CCSD does not comply with this State request then Governor Lombardo should look at taking further legal action under his authority including putting CCSD into receivership.”

In recent weeks, FOX5 has reported on the departure of the district’s Chief Financial Officer Jason Goudie, and at least one elementary school teacher cut as a result of the budget issues. Parents who addressed the board during Thursday’s meeting highlighted this, as well as the resignation of Trustee Katie Williams, as problems that could impede the hunt for the next Superintendent.

The Board has officially pushed that deadline to March 2025 from its previous November date.


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