LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Duane “Keffe D” Davis will remain in jail for at least the next day or two, in the words of Judge Carli Kierny, who will reconsider whether the $112,500 he put up in bond money should be allowed.

She had recently ruled it was not permissible on the grounds that Davis promised an entertainment executive, Cash Jones, an exclusive television series about his life if Jones provided money for the bail.

In court Tuesday morning, Judge Kierny heard arguments from Davis’ defense attorney Carl Arnold that because the bond money came from a legitimate business, AG Entertainment Touring, the court has to accept it. Arnold also argued the court cannot prevent Davis from making money on this trial, adding that most bail is a gift.

Judge Kierny responded by saying if her mother bailed her out of jail, she would care if her mother never recouped that money, but that Davis might not care if Jones never recouped his $112,500.

Prosecutors argued for last month’s bond decision to stay, saying Davis is a danger to his community. Arnold said Davis’ days as a notorious gang leader are behind him, and that the community is not harmed by Davis’ past.

The judge prodded at both arguments, notably asking the prosecution how they’re able to make decisions on whether Davis is dangerous to his community if none of Davis’ stories he told to various media outlets over the years have been litigated in court.

At the conclusion of the hearing, Davis himself spoke up, directing insults at the two prosecutors.

“They’re not only ugly on the outside, but they’re ugly on the inside,” Davis said.

Davis made the case that a piece of evidence recovered as part of a separate investigation into the murder of Christopher “Biggie Smalls” Wallace should not be included, arguing that Greg Kading, a retired LAPD detective, had tampered with it.

“Mr. Greg Kading had those boxes at his house for 15 years in his attic doing all kinds of TV interviews,” Davis said as Arnold walked toward him, apparently trying to talk the issue through with Davis before he said more. “Those boxes should not be allowed in the case.”

Judge Kierny responded to Davis, saying she had not seen anything that pointed toward that evidence being tainted, as Davis had claimed, and added that Arnold had not filed a motion regarding it.

Arnold did ask for a trial readiness check next month. Judge Kierny said that will happen August 20.


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