LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Sad news for the English Bulldog found taped inside a tote bag last week.

Reba, who was treated by staff at the Veterinary Emergency Group for heat stroke, would eventually pass away on Saturday morning amid round-the-clock surveillance.

Another shocking case of animal abuse in the Las Vegas Valley.

Staff members say that Reba underwent sudden cardiac arrest from a blood-clotting condition she developed as a result of the severe heat stroke and shock.

“The only saving grace is that it was sudden and she felt no pain,” Jamie Gregory, the found of Vegas Pet Rescue, told FOX5. “She is now over that beautiful rainbow bridge. Perfectly happy and healthy.”

She added, “She stayed with us just long enough so we could get her story out there and to find her abuser and attempted murderer.”

Sunday night, Vegas Pet Rescue announced that several anonymous donors stepped forward to offer a $21,500 reward for any information about the death of Reba.

Anyone who comes forward with information will be kept anonymous, and can send tips to [email protected], or call (702) 660-8970.


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