LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – This summer season has been a busy one for firefighters across the valley. Many of them responding to house fires or apartment fires during the extreme heat.

FOX5 spoke to one homeowner Joy Hoover who has an older home, but this month her circuit breaker kept going on and off. Hoover said suddenly her home felt smokey and fire officials came in and pointed the fire out in her attic as it melted the electrical wiring up there.

“It was really tough I mean the fire guys were so amazing,” Hoover said. ” My kids ran out of the house crying they started opening up the attics and that is when all the smoke started coming in.”

Though the exact cause of the fire at Hoover’s house is still unknown, FOX5 spoke with the deputy chief of North Las Vegas Fire who says the heat does have something to do with the fire calls they have been responding to.

“Other issues can come from AC units if they are poorly maintained they can over load just the increase load because of the heat can cause those issues sometimes,” Campbell said.

Campbell also said any broken glass laying outside can concentrate the sun and create a hot spot for a fire.

Campbell also advises getting regular maintenance on your AC units and check for dry vegetation around your house in case there is a spark.


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