LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – After recent federal cuts by the Trump administration, U.S. Postal Service workers fear they could be next.

On Sunday, USPS employees, union leaders and supporters called for the postal service to stay public, to protect jobs, regulations and costs for consumers.

“We will fight like hell against eliminating the U.S. Postal Service!”

The National Association of Letter Carriers held a rally Sunday in Las Vegas to defend the USPS against threats to dismantle and privatize the public institution.

“It started with the reported plans of the Trump administration to eliminate the board of governors, then to abolish the Postal Regulatory Commission. This would leave no independent oversight,” said a supporter at the rally.

“The idea that all of the checks and balances that the post office has had in place for so many years would go away to be at the whim of some corporation is frightening, and I think astronomically the costs would go up,” said former USPS employee Alicia Cook.

The NALC says this would also threaten the universal mandate that requires carriers to deliver everywhere and for the same price, regardless of zip code.

“We’re in Nye County, and we drove out here to Vegas today to be in support of this rally because, in the rural counties, they are that last-mile delivery for the big companies that don’t necessarily want to bring the packages all the way to your doorstep,” said Cook. “My medications, checks that come in the mail, care packages – all of that would be delayed or at the mercy of whoever makes the schedule. I think it will impact everyone more direly than they realize.”

The NALC says the reported plans would raise shipping costs, drive inflation higher for businesses and consumers, and jeopardize 7.9 million postal industry jobs.

“This is a service that we provide for our community, and we all have families, and we don’t want to see it privatized at all,” said 19-year USPS employee Mark Austin. “We want to be able to manage our company and do it the right way without any politics involved.”


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