LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – As temperatures drop across the Las Vegas Valley, staying warm is becoming a challenge for many in need.

To help, United Way of Southern Nevada helped collect over 1,000 essential winter items, including jackets, coats, and blankets to local shelters.

One of those organizations benefitting from the donations was the Shannon West Homeless Youth Shelter, which provides support to young people experiencing homelessness.

The donations come at a crucial time, helping those struggling to stay warm amid colder temperatures, explained Director of Homeless Response Teams HELP of Southern Nevada, Louis Lacey.

“They’re super happy, here is a brand-new coat, they get to pick it out,” Lacey said. “They put them on, and they get the biggest smile on their face and they’re just so happy. This is theirs, brand new.”

Savanna Sibley, Senior Director of Volunteer Engagement at United Way of Southern Nevada said they see what an impact their Warmth Drive makes, and they have no plans on stopping.

Lacey says they are always accepting donations from the community, for more information on how to help, visit the HELP of Southern Nevada website.


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