LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Traffic cameras are a hot button issue across the country. They were declared unconstitutional in some cities and states. Some believe they invade a driver’s privacy.

That’s why the City of Phoenix got rid of them in 2019 but voted to bring them back last October. Even Sheriff McMahill has said red light cameras are not popular with Valley residents, yet, he’s still pushing to get them mounted in intersections.

“When your loved one leaves your house there’s more of a likelihood that they’re going to die in a traffic fatality accident than a murder because we are not getting done what needs to be done,” Sheriff McMahill said at the State of the Department address last week.

There were 27 fatal car crashes in the first 47 days of 2025, according to Las Vegas Metropolitan Police’s traffic data. Some of them were caused by speeding drivers or red light runners. FOX5 spoke to Sheriff McMahill about red light cameras in November.

“I’m tired of losing people on our roadways,” he said. “I’m tired of having my men and women go out there and pick up those pieces and I’m tired of the devastation that occurs around it.”

Installing traffic cameras would require a change in state law. Past attempts over the last 25 years have been unsuccessful. Sheriff McMahill said on X he is going to do everything in my power to make a change this legislative session toward this effort.

“I have done the work to study these things, to see how it can slow people down and save lives. That’s exactly why I’m out there advocating to get these things passed in the legislature next legislative session,” Sheriff McMahill said in a FOX5 interview in November.

FOX5 asked Metro how Sheriff McMahill is working with the legislature this session but the department has not returned a request for comment. So far, no bills regarding red light cameras have been introduced during this legislative session.


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