LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Two southwest governors sent a letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom Tuesday urging a stop to legislation that could impact regional gas prices.

Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo and Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs said ABX2-1 and other legislation regarding refinery inventory supplies would increase fuel prices and “disrupt the regional economy.” The bills are currently under consideration in California’s special legislative session.

Today, Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo (R) and Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs (D) sent a joint letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) expressing concerns about ABX2-1 and other legislation related to refinery inventory supplies, which are currently under consideration in California’s special session.

Joe Lombardo, left, and Katie Hobbs, right.(AP)

In the joint letter, Lombardo and Hobbs say ABX2-1 “‘may artificially create shortages in downstream markets,’ which would raise costs for consumers in Arizona and Nevada. This conclusion alone is deeply troubling and warrants bipartisan, regional communication on this legislation before proceeding.”

“The people of Nevada and Arizona should not have to foot the bill for California’s misguided policies — especially when it comes to higher gas prices,” said Governor Joe Lombardo in a statement. “Lowering fuel costs is a bipartisan issue, and I’m grateful to partner with Governor Hobbs as we fight back against policies that will raise prices and cause regional economic disruption. I urge Governor Newsom and the California legislature to reconsider this harmful legislation during their special session and to include Nevada and Arizona in policy discussions moving forward.”

“Arizonans are struggling with the high cost of living, we can’t afford yet another price hike,” said Governor Katie Hobbs in a news release. “I urge Governor Newsom and the California legislature to reconsider this legislation that could slash Arizona’s gasoline supply, raise prices at the pump and threaten Arizona’s strong economic growth. I’m glad to work with Governor Lombardo on this critical issue, and hope we can come together as a region to deliver lower fuel costs to all of our constituents.”

The full joint letter is below.


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