LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – We might have been feeling some relief from the triple digit temperatures, but they are now back.

However, no matter what temperature it is outside, FOX5 found an organization called Street Dogz that focuses on resources for pets living on the streets of Las Vegas with their owners.

Janice Tucker is the homeless outreach coordinator for Street Dogz.

“I pretty much do this every day,” Tucker said.

Every day it is a new call for her. On this particular day, when FOX5 met up with her, Tucker found a family of four living in an alley. Two of their four-legged members needed help, so they reached out to Street Dogz.

Tucker responded with leashes and cooling vests and, most importantly, shoes for the dogs to prevent their paws from burning.

“In this weather, if they don’t have shoes on, they shouldn’t be walking on the pavement. If I see them walking, I’ll stop,” Tucker said.

According to Street Dogz, last year there were over 6,000 homeless individuals in Southern Nevada and many of them stuck out the conditions with a man’s best friend.

To prevent surrendering to an already overcrowded shelter, Street Dogz tries to make things a little easier for the owners.

The organization does have distribution sites across the valley. If you would like help or want to donate, you can click here


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