LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – New Year’s Eve typically centers around partying however, too much fun could cost you.

After the clock hits midnight you have options when it comes to safely getting home, but one of those options should not be driving yourself.

“One fun night can ruin your life,” Eric Blank, with Eric Blank Injury Attorneys said.

Blank represents clients on both sides of a DUI.

“Sometimes they are at a light sitting there, and then they are rammed behind at tremendous speed and sometimes they have children in the car, they are the worst kind of cases,” Blank said.

Blank also tells FOX5 it is challenging to represent clients who face a DUI charge because they don’t always remember the events of the night.

“When you get pulled over for driving under the influence it’s not just a slap on the wrist you can lose your license, lose your work, lose your family we have seen family break up over this,” Blank said,

However, those events could cost a person facing a DUI charge thousands of dollars with legal fees, court fees, and they may have to install an ignition interlock device.

If you have a Nevada License and are convicted of a DUI, the courts will decide if you need to install the device in your car.

The device is wired into your car, and you have to blow into it three times, if your blood alcohol level is 0, then your car will start but if it’s not your car will not start and that information is recorded in the device.

“You don’t want the trouble in your life, the people that have these hate them, they hate every bit of it they have to blow into it in front of their family their friends, its just not worth it,” Jeremy Kiner with Imperial Auto said.

Kiner’s auto body shop is contracted with a company called Intoxa Lock, which manufactures the ignition locking device.

Kiner said his shop gets about 50 calls a month about the device.

Although it is part of his business, Kiner said this is not a part of his job he enjoys.

As for Blank, he also wishes people would think twice before picking up their keys after drinking.

” I would love to see none of these drunk driving incidents happen there’s enough crashes on the roads from people not paying attention,” Blank said.

Metro will be out in full force on New Year’s Eve, to catch anyone driving under the influence.


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