LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – The aftermath from the multi-day barricade in Henderson remains.

The face of the townhome where the suspect was barricaded is still ripped off from the incident, over two weeks later.

According to the City of Henderson, the community’s Homeowner Association will be responsible for paying for repairs to the structure of the building, and the property owners will be responsible for their individual townhomes.

Neighbors who live near the multi-day barricade in Henderson say they’re thankful to finally be back home after evacuating over the weekend.

A man who lives in one of the affected units, who wanted to stay anonymous, said he’s waiting for more information from the HOA, the McAuley Homeowners Association. He said he’s hopeful his property insurance will cover what he owes.

McAuley Homeowners Association’s Community Manager, Alexis Bayne, said in a statement “The situation is too premature to comment on. The HOA is doing their due diligence by working with insurance, the City of Henderson and legal counsel on this situation.”

Other neighbors expressed concern for the people who live in the affected townhomes.

“Wow, that’s terrible,” neighbor Marc Lemberger, said. “The families, they might be in a bad situation as it is before it happened and they can’t pay for it, that could be pretty bad for their lives.”

Lemberger said it all comes down to whether law enforcement used excessive force by removing the face of the townhome.

He thinks they handled it appropriately, because they needed to get the suspect out of the townhome as quickly as possible.

“It could’ve been a catastrophe, they could have shot the whole place up, bullets could have flown across the street, across the other side of the street. People could have gotten killed,” he said.

Why remove the wall?

FOX5 wanted to get to the bottom of the tactics used.

We made records requests to Henderson, Metro and North Las Vegas Police because they were all involved in the barricade. We asked for reports made on the barricade, and policies and procedures for barricade situations.

Henderson declined, citing an open investigation, North Las Vegas didn’t respond yet, and Metro gave us their plan but it didn’t identify specific tactics.

Henderson City officials say they’ve worked with the HOA to have a contractor complete an assessment to make sure the adjacent units are safe to reoccupy. Three units were determined safe to occupy with no restrictions, two units require minor to moderate repairs prior to occupying, and one unit is deemed unsafe.

A spokesperson for the city provided the following statement:

Customer service is always a priority for the City, and especially so during a difficult time. Our staff is ready to expedite permit applications when they come in. Residents are encouraged to maintain communication with the City to resolve further matters.


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