LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Nevada students are continuing to make small improvements in subjects like math and language arts, according to a new report from the Department of Education.

New data shows that students are inching forward in proficiency, but are ultimately still making up ground lost during the COVID-19 pandemic. And in the 2023-24 school year, only 32.6% of students – less than half – demonstrated proficiency in mathematics.

This is the second year in a row that the education department has seen improvements, and officials are describing them as “encouraging.”

“The proficiency results are encouraging and are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students, educators, and families,” said Jhone Ebert, Superintendent of Public Instruction. “These results are moving in the right direction, and the Nevada Department of Education is committed to using this data to monitor academic performance to inform initiatives to improve student outcomes across our state.”

When compared to previous school years, proficiency in math would see a 1.3% increase, but only a 0.3% increase in language arts. The report also noted that increases were seen across every student group, but the highest were among Asian (2.2%) and Black students (2.1%).

Additionally, third graders would show the highest increase in proficiency for math, while fifth graders saw the biggest increase for language arts.

Chronic absenteeism would see big decreases across the state last school year, showing a nearly 10-point drop to 25.9%. A total of 554 Nevada schools would lower their absenteeism rates, with 416 of them lowering it by at least 10 points.

“This 9 percent improvement in the chronic absenteeism rate is a major accomplishment that reflects concerted efforts across our education system and community to ensure that students are in class learning,” Ebert said.

To view more performance data for the state, school districts, and schools, visit the Nevada Report Card website at


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