LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Starting Wednesday, pet stores across Clark County will no longer be allowed to sell dogs, cats, rabbits, or pot-belly pigs.
Clark County Commissioners passed the ban on the sale of small animals in a retail setting dates about a year ago. It took effect on December 20th.
The ordinance is designed to curb illegal dog breeding, and clear local animal shelters – most of which are continuously overwhelmed with abandoned and stray dog and cats.
Every pet story in the county now has a year to make the necessary changes. Some tell FOX5 they’ve ramped up grooming services and boosted retail items to make up for the loss in revenue from live animal sales.
“It’ll probably impact us a bit, but we’ll definitely be able to keep pushing through versus other places that are probably going to sink faster than we will just because we do have a lot of the money income is coming from grooming,” one shop owner told us.
Commissioner Michael Naft was the measure’s sponsor. He says the County is ready and prepared to help with any of the animal retailers still have in their stores. Naft says it will help place them through local shelters or the NSPCA.
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