LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Police are investigating a brazen crime of thieves busting through the wall of a Las Vegas podcast studio.

Police said they are looking to identify the people seen in the dramatic surveillance, and are following up on tips from fans and the podcast community surrounding The Salty Nerd and The Las Vegas Podcasters Studios.

The several-hour ordeal happened in the wee morning hours of August 7. Surveillance given by The Las Vegas Podcaster Studios shows two men looking to knock out the surveillance cameras outside the building and the business. Two men in different clothing return around 4 a.m. and break through the front door of an adjacent business.

Surveillance shows the men using a hammer to bust down a wall, and crawl through a hole into the podcast studio.

The owners of the podcast studio said thieves swiped headphones, monitors and a soundboard.

The owners thought that previous security reinforcements and numerous cameras were sufficient after the previous break-in in Spring 2023.


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