LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – Change is coming for the Historic Westside.

Neighbors can expect more affordable housing options and transportation upgrades.

It’s all thanks to nearly $16 million being pumped into the area from local lawmakers.

It involves a complete streets project along Washington Avenue and H Street, and the sprucing up of the public housing project, Marble Manor.

Several locals say they’re excited for the improvements, but didn’t mince words when they said it’s been a long time coming. Like friend of FOX5, Mario Berlanga of Mario’s Westside Market.

“You go to some of these other parts of town and they have new streets and new lights over here that seems like everybody forgets us. We’re like the stepchild,” Berlanga said.

The grocery store owner grew up in Marble Manor decades ago and is ready for it to take on a whole new look.

“It’s an older project and it’s about time they did something to vitalize that that neighborhood,” Berlanga said.

To see what’s in store for Marble Manor after $50 million is coming to the area from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, FOX5 heard from Lewis Jordan, the Executive Director at the Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority.

“We’re very, very excited at what we call a new beginning,” Jordan said. “We’ll go from all very low-income development to over 600 units of mixed income, housing and mixed-use.”

Jordan explains the eight-year project will happen in five phases.

Forty eight families are part of phase one. They have from now until May to move out. That’s when Jordan expects construction to start.

These families will receive new vouchers to find housing without the SNRHA having to dip into its already limited number of vouchers to hand out. Tenants do not need to pay for any relocation services, and residents will get the same type of unit that they currently qualify for. Once construction wraps up, every resident currently at Marble Manor has the right to come back if they choose. Each resident will get a written notice explaining when relocation will begin.

As far as a timeline goes, Jordan thinks about that answer differently.

“We have to move at what I call the speed of trust and what that means is having multiple meetings, asking questions, following up,” Jordan said.

Marble Manor upgrades aside, the intersection of H Street and Washington Ave. will look a lot different.

Nearly $16 million will improve transportation infrastructure with widened sidewalks, bike lanes, bus stop improvements and better lighting.

Historic Westside resident, Roscoe Wells explains why that’s so important.

“That’s definitely the issue, bus drivers missing the bus stops late at night because they can’t see and people not making their stops, not making it to work because of that,” Wells said.

It’s not just about improving streetlights. Jordan is looking forward to a brighter future.

“We’re looking to revitalize a community that, if we’re honest with ourselves, that’s been under invested in it for a very, very long time,” Jordan said.

As far as next steps, FOX5 has learned from the City of Las Vegas that the complete streets project needs to go to design, and then out to bid.

Plans for the housing project have already been approved by the planning commission. On Wednesday, January 15th, the Housing Authority is set to present plans to the new mayor and city council where they’ll likely be approved again.

Those in need of housing can apply starting Wednesday, January 15th until January 31st at 5 p.m. with the Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority to be put on the waitlist. Thousands are expected to appl, and applications must be submitted online. For more information, click here


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