LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – The 4th annual Black Henderson Family Reunion was held Saturday at Cornerstone Park.

It was a party celebrating black culture and community — and a chance to support some young entrepreneurs launching their small businesses.

“This is the fourth annual Black Henderson family reunion. We are here to celebrate black culture, black family, and black businesses here in Henderson,” said Nicci Willis, co-founder of Black Henderson.

“We’ve got three amazing kid entrepreneurs that have worked really hard to put their tables up, put their booths together, and they are doing very well today,” she added.

“My business is selling rice cereal treats. We sell cookies and cream, churro, white chocolate chip… I love rice crispy treats, and I just wanted to share that love with others,” said Bryson White, a teen entrepreneur and first-time vendor at the event.

“Young entrepreneurship is very important to us,” said Willis. “We want them to not only see black businesses but also be it if they want to.”

“It’s nerve-wracking, but I think it’s absolutely worth it. It’s like definitely a rewarding thing for me. I’m learning to become more articulate with my words. I’ve learned how to talk to people, how to market, how to set up tables. I’ve also learned how to price things, how to make all the rice crispy treats,” said White.

“After today, I think I’m going to feel amazing. With all the support I’ve been getting online and in person, I think it’s going to be a really good thing,” White added. “With this money is going to help build my funding for college in three years… and baseball.”

For more information on Black Henderson, click here.


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