LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – The UNLV Athletics program received a $1.05 million donation for its “Rebel Up” campaign.

The donation is thanks to the Diana Bennett. UNLV Athletics says Bennett served as the chair of the UNLV Foundation Board of Trustees from 2020-2022 and has been a board member since 2008.

The donation will establish the creation of the Diana Bennett Career Development Program for Women’s Sports.

“We cannot thank Diana Bennett enough for making this extraordinary commitment to enhance career opportunities for female student-athletes at UNLV as they prepare for life after sport,” said Director of Athletics Erick Harper. “Diana has long been a loyal supporter of UNLV Athletics as well as the university and we appreciate her many years of contributing to the success of our programs. This gift is the first of its kind specific to the career development of female student-athletes at UNLV. Donors like Diana Bennett continue to make a difference in the lives of our student-athletes daily and we would like to specifically thank Diana for her vision, passion, commitment and love for UNLV Athletics.”

UNLV says Bennett’s program is going to provide internship programming, resume building, networking, career professional development, etiquette training, networking opportunities, mock interviews, enhanced technology to improve networking opportunities, job shadowing, an externship program, and entrepreneurship skills training.

“These student-athletes consistently dedicate much of their energy and time during pre and post-secondary to becoming leaders in their sport.” Bennett said. “However, we see time and time again that career opportunities in the sports industry are limited for females. It is the joint goal of the Bennett Family Foundation and UNLV to ensure that these athletes have the tools and support needed to make the most of the opportunities they are given and ensure lasting careers in their field of choice, not only as athletes but also as professionals.”

“At UNLV, we’re committed to the success of our student-athletes both in competition and in life, and this generous gift will support programs and facilities to build crucial skills in areas that will benefit our female student-athletes throughout their professional careers,” said UNLV President Keith E. Whitfield. “We’re incredibly grateful to Diana Bennett and the Bennett Family Foundation for this gift, and for their years of support for our university and our students.”

“As we continue to build within UNLV Athletics, one of our goals is to continually improve our career development programs to help prepare all of our student-athletes for life after sport,” Harper continued. “We want our student-athletes to have every opportunity to start building their careers prior to graduating, so that they are ready to enter the workforce in whatever field they choose.”

The initiative is said to begin with programming starting in Fall 2024.


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