LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – A Hindu temple that was in the works to be built in Henderson is not happening anymore, according to the city.

FOX5 first reported on the plans of a Hindu Temple being built a couple of years back.

In August 2022, the Hindu temple got the green light from the city of Henderson to be built in a rural neighborhood.

You may remember residents living in that area were not happy about the plans.

In a city council meeting, city leaders said the temple could only be built on a conditional use permit and it had to get started within a certain date.

FOX5 checked back with the city and they say they updated their Rural Neighborhood Ordinances back in September which meant religious facilities or airports were not allowed to be built anymore.

Since the temple did not get started by a certain date before the new ordinance took effect this meant its original conditional use permit expired.

If the temple had moved forward with its plans before the new ordinance, the city of Henderson said the temple would have been grandfathered in.

FOX5 has made numerous attempts to reach those who are building the temple, but are waiting to hear back.

Here is the full statement from the City of Henderson:


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