LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – The Just One Project’s 90-day youth program is for students ages 16 to 20. They learn important lessons about civic engagement through volunteering, mental health and career and life skills.

“I honestly like the program really,” said youth program participant Keoni Rafanan. “I’ve learned how to control my emotions, and then I’ve learned a lot of new stuff like financial literacy, how to bring my credit up, and I’m still learning a lot of other stuff too as well.”

Starting in January, the Just One Project added hydroponics gardening to the youth program’s lesson plan.

“They will learn what hydroponics is, why it is important, and how to grow their own fruits and vegetables. As well as later on, we’re going to learn how to cook with them,” said Mande Jones, director of the youth program.

19 countertop gardening units were provided by the Green Our Planet organization, so the students can grow their own produce while learning about food production, nutrition and community well-being.

“I have some, I wouldn’t say a lot of experience with vegetables. I’ve grew lemongrass, celery, but that’s about it,” said Rafanan.

“I don’t have any experience growing vegetables, but I have experience growing roses, but I hope to learn how to plant anything and everything,” said youth program participant Tullia Edwards.

“I think it’s important because everybody should know where their food in coming from,” said Jones. “They also should know how to cook their own food, what it’s like to grow their own food, kind of bringing the country into city life.”

Some of the produce will be used at the Just One Project’s no-cost community market, to help feed the need for fresh groceries in our community.

For more information on the Just One Project’s youth programs, click here.


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