LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – After back-to-back break-ins in the Las Vegas Arts District last week, Las Vegas city leaders say they’re working on a new plan to make the area safer.

PREVIOUS: Back-to-back break-ins at Las Vegas Arts District businesses alarms owners

Both Tacotarian and Dig It! Coffee Co. were burglarized last week, according to a report from Metro Police. That same report shows that police believe both burglarizes were within one hour, and done by the same person.

Tacotarian’s co-owner, Kristen Corral, says last week’s break-ins were just one example of crime escalating in the Arts District area.

“We have noticed an increase of homelessness down here, kind of just people coming in, harassing our staff, there’s been fights,” Corral says. “What is the city going to do to help me find a solution as a business owner so that my staff feels safe, so that my customers feel safe?”

Ward 3 Councilwoman, Olivia Diaz, says her next step is to hold an Arts District public safety meeting with Metro’s Downtown Area Command, City Marshalls and nearby business owners.

“Public safety is a shared responsibility. We’re leaning on our law enforcement, that unfortunately, right now, are low on bodies,” Diaz says. “So, that means that as a community we have to come together collectively.”

From there, Downtown Area Command Captain Adam Seely says he plans to set up an Arts District Coalition.

“I want everyone to feel safe in that area and that’s what the goal of that coalition would be,” Seely says.

During these meetings, Seely says they will hear from businesses directly about quality of life and public safety concerns. A Crime Prevention Specialist will be present to give security recommendations.

He plans to increase the number of officers in the area, too.

“I can tell you that the businesses and people that live in the arts district will see an increase in police presence in that area during the night time hours,” Seely says.

Diaz says if these meetings reveal that there’s an issue with infrastructure, like a need for more lighting, the city will help how they can.

“I know other businesses are happy to be part of the solution. If we all work together we can come up with a plan, that’s going to benefit everyone,” Corral says.


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