LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – The Southern Nevada Health District confirmed a case of measles in a Clark County visitor in a media release Friday.
Health officials say the person traveled from out of state and potential exposure could have been between April 1-6. Officials say they do not have information about the person’s immunization status or current condition.
The district says people who were at the locations at the provided times below may have been exposed.
“Because measles can be highly contagious, people who may have been exposed should review their immunization status and contact their health care providers if they are not fully immunized against measles or have not already had the disease,” officials say.
- MGM Grand, 3799 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89108 on Monday, April 1 through Saturday, April 6.
Additional locations visited by the individual in the MGM include:
- Grand Wok Noodle Bar on Monday, April 1 at approximately 5 p.m.
- International Smoke Restaurant on Tuesday, April 2 at approximately 5 p.m.
- MGM Fitness Center on Tuesday, April 2 at approximately 9 a.m.
- Ka Cirque de Soleil on Tuesday, April 2
- The food court at MGM on Wednesday, April 3
- Harry Reid International Airport (Terminal 1) on Saturday, April 6 arriving at approximately 6 a.m. and departing at approximately 9 a.m. from the A7 — A15 Gate area.
SNHD says the virus can live for up to two hours in the air after a person who is infected leaves the area.
“In addition to these known locations, the individual visited locations throughout Las Vegas and Henderson. Measles symptoms can develop within seven to 21 days after exposure,” officials say. “People who may have been exposed should also contact their health care providers if they develop a rash with fever or other symptoms consistent with measles within 21 days after their visit to these locations. It is recommended that anyone with symptoms contact a health care provider’s office before entering a health care facility to allow the facility to make appropriate arrangements to ensure the illness is not spread. Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose and red eyes, with the distinctive rash usually appearing one to four days after the early symptoms. Measles can spread approximately four days before the rash appears and four days after. The measles vaccine is highly effective in preventing illness.”
For more information about the vaccine, the health district says people could visit CDC | Vaccine for Measles. To make an appointment at a Health District vaccine clinic, go to
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