LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – The leaders of CCSD face two big decisions Wednesday: will they approve Superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara’s resignation with the payout he wants, and will they appoint his number two as his replacement without interviewing other candidates?
“As we know, Dr. Jara entered a resignation and there are a lot of feelings at the community level about that resignation and what the terms of that resignation are,” shared Jshauntae Marshall, Co-founder of #1865 No Racism in Schools. Marshall led a virtual community discussion Tuesday night with parents submitting questions to former CCSD Trustee Danielle Ford to break down Superintendent Jara’s request to resign with a buyout.
“In his terms, it says that if he wants to resign before his contract ends, he is more than welcome to, however, he must give 90 days notice and work in those 90 days. That gives the board a buffer to appoint an interim,” Ford explained.
That is not what Jara wants to do according to his resignation letter. Jara wants to resign with two weeks’ notice and wants his contract amended to be paid out for much more.
“You are going to try and get a year’s salary out of taxpayers and leave the district scrambling? Don’t give him anything based on the terms in your contract,” Ford suggested.
It will be up to the current board’s seven voting members to ultimately decide what to do with Jara’s request. If they do approve Jara’s resignation, they can move on to the next item on their agenda, appointing his replacement, his second in command, Dr. Brenda Larsen Mitchell. Parents expressed concern about the process being rushed.
“The contract needs to be presented and made available on the agenda or as an attachment to the public, just like the process says is supposed to happen, not, ‘We appoint and then give the contract later.’ Those dollars that pay that salary come from taxpayers and the community,” Marshall contended.
The Wednesday will be at Henderson City Hall at 4 p.m. It is open to the public. FOX5 will have live reports throughout the meeting and after its conclusion.
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